XP2015: Day 3 Summary

The journey started with the keynote by Harri Oikarinen from Ericsson. His talk focused on the leadership model and learning lifestyle strategy that Ericsson is using to face what he described as the Network Society. It was very interesting and the slides were really cool!

After the keynote we had pitches of the sessions on the day.

During the whole day there were open space sessions in parallel with the predefined sessions.

I spent the rest of the morning in the lightning talks session where I found some interesting stuff and I also shared the Test-Driven approach we are using at FIUBA.

After the lunch I joined the session Create the Conditions for Team Learning and Coordination: Five Simple Rules hosted by Diana Larsen. Very very useful (I will share some notes about this in another post).

Finally I joined an open session session proposed by Alex Wilson which was about Modern XP. In this session we went over the original XP practices and analyzed the evolution of each of them. Very interesting and possible one of the best sessions of the day.

Late in the evening we had the conference social dinner at the Helsinki Stock Exchange Building, a really nice place. The dinner was great: excellent food and some fun entertainment including PowerPoint-Karaoke (organized by Diana Larsen), a singer, a pianist and magician. I was in a table with some guys some India and Italy and another guy born in Tunisia but currently living now in Sweden.

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Preparation for BDD Tutorial

Next Friday I will be hosting a BDD Tutorial (fr2.1) in the context of XP Conference. For those planning to attend to this workshop consider that it is a hands-on session, so bring your machines. I have a preconfigured vm image with all the required tools in it, so please ensure to have Virtual Box installed in your machine.

If you prefer to not use the VM, then you should ensure to install:

  • Java 7 JDK
  • Maven
  • Git

Finally, please complete this form, so I can have a idea of how many people will attend to the workshop. This will allow me to adjust the activities of the workshop.

XP2015: Day 2 Summary

First of all I need to do a brief explanation of the conference layout. The main part of the conference takes place during Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. In addition to that, there are additional workshops on Monday and Friday.

So on Tuesday was the conference opening. As expected it started with the welcome by Maria Paasivaara (general chair). After that, Janne Järvinen offer a brief presentation of the Need for Speed program. A program in Finland that aims to join students and industry. Next there was the keynote by Linda Rising who talked about Continuous Retrospective. The keynote was fine, I wrote down some resources to check.

At the end of the keynote, every speaker of that day had 30 seconds to present his session and perform an invitation, good idea.

The next session I attended was Why we need architects by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock. It was interesting but nothing new for me, so in the middle I switched to the session by Nitor guys who perform a technical demo of their tool Willow which provides support for elastic cloud deployments. I really liked it.

In the afternoon I  attended to a Continuous Delivery session by Omenia guys, nice session. After that it was my first session: Continuous Delivery at Enterprise level with Jenkins and Octopush (the tool I developed with OLX guys). Everything went fine, the demo was successful but just in case I had prepared a short demonstration video. The slides are available here.

The next session I attended was a panel about Continuous Delivery. I stayed there just 15 minutes and I left the room because to my surprise the debate was very poor. I moved to another session about contracts by Antti Kirjavainen which was much better.

Finally we got to the best part of the day: the open space, yeah!!!! We had a marketplace to collect sessions for the three days. The facilitator was Charlie Poole and I liked his performance. After the marketplace we had like a cocktail and next to it the open space sessions started. We had 3 hours from 19.00 to 22.00 with up to 7 parallel sessions. For me the best session was the one I proposed: Programming practices. The goal was simple: share ideas/practices/tips among programmers. Four person joined the session: Daniel (a coach from Germany), Sebastian (a developer/trainer from Sweden), Wouter (a consultant from Holland) and Oller (a tech lead from Sweden). For me it was a great session, I really enjoyed it.

Session about contracts
Keynote by Linda Rising
City view from the conference center

XP2015: Day 1 Summary

The first session I attended was a workshop by Wouter Lagerwaij: Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins Job Builder.  It was really really interesting, the speaker was an expert on the topic and the workshop’s materials were very properly prepared. I took several useful notes to review. When the workshop finished (on time, of course) we had lunch.

The lunch was self-service and included salad, fish, potatoes, cheese and bread. After lunch there was also coffee and tea available.

In the afternoon I had to choose between Fearless Change workshop by Linda Rising and DevOps and Continuous Value Delivery with Lego and Chocolate workshop by Dana Pylayeva. What do you think I choose? Yes, of course, the second one because is more related to the concerns I usually work. The workshop was fine, after brief conceptual introduction we worked in groups in an activity similar to El Pajarraco but with with a different focus: business value and team collaboration. I liked the activity and also the way Dana presented the DevOps theory.

The last activity of the day was a reception at the City Hall where we shared some drinks and soft food. It was a nice networking activity were I met people from several countries including: Holland, Slovenia, USA, Spain, Sweden, Brazil and Finland of course.

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De Colombia a Finlandia

El anterior post (hace unos 10 días) lo escribí estando en Girardot, una ciudad de Colombia que todo el año tiene una temperatura alrededor de los 30 grados. Mientras escribo este post, estoy en Helsinki, la capital de Finlandia, donde ahora (primavera) se promedian 12 grados de temperatura, pero que en una noche de invierno pueden llegar a 30 bajo cero. Entre uno y otro extremo pasé brevemente por casa para disfrutar del extraño otoño caluroso que azota Buenos Aires por estos días.

Pero no vine a Finlandia para compensar el calor de Girardot sino para participar de la conferencia XP2015. Llegué ayer luego de ~17 horas de vuelo con una escala de ~9 horas en Alemania. Después de semejante viaje, mis expectativas para la conferencia se han incrementado un poco más 😉

Mirando el programa parece que habrá de todo: keynotes, muchas sesiones surgidas del call for papers, open space (en paralelo con las sesiones), clínica coaches (en  los coffee breaks), presentación de trabajos formales de investigación y actividades sociales (al anochecer).


Notas de mis actividades en Colombia

Por estos días me encuentro en Girardot, una bonita ciudad ubicada a unas 2 horas al sur de Bogotá. Estoy participando de diversas actividades enmarcadas en el Foro de Ingeniería en Sistemas organizado por la Universidad Piloto al cual fue invitado por gentileza de ingeniero Elkin Forero.

La primer actividad que facilité fue una sesión de Programación Orientada a Objetos en la cual hice un breve repaso de los hitos que han marcado la evolución del paradigma y sus implementaciones. (diapositivas aquí)

Otra sesión, ya un poco más avanzada fue un taller de TDD, del que participaron alumnos de la carrera de sistemas. Trabajamos con Java, JUnit y Eclipse. Me gustó mucho como salió la sesión. El código del ejemplo inicial está disponible aquí.

Aprovechando mi visita a la región, el ingeniero Wilson Gordillo me invitó a realizar una ponencia en la Universidad de Cundinamarca. Asistieron a dicha actividad unos 180 alumnos y docentes de distintas instituciones. En este caso hablé sobre la definición de «proyecto exitoso» y la visión de los métodos ágiles al respecto (diapositivas aquí). Luego de la disertación hicimos la dinámica de la fábrica de aviones de la que participaron unas 80 personas y que nos permitió reflexionar sobre cuestiones como spikes, estimación y definition of done.

Aún me quedan por realizar algunas actividades más antes de mi regreso a casa, entre ellas la continuación del taller de TDD que comienza en breves minutos.



Preparandome para XP 2015

A fin de mes voy a estar viajando a Helsinki para participar de la conferencia XP 2015, donde además de disfrutar de la conferencia como asistente, estaré participando como orador/facilitador dos sesiones.

La primera de ellas es una sesión del tipo Technical Demo en la que estaré mostrado Octopush, una herramienta open source que desarrollamos con la gente de OLX para orquestrar deployments en contextos de entrega continua.

La segunda sesión que estaré facilitando es un taller de Behaviour-Driven Development. El taller está dividido en partes, la primera con foco en el flujo de trabajo y en las cuestiones de colaboración/comunicación y la segunda con foco en las cuestiones técnicas. Para esto último utilizaremos una máquina virtual con todas las herramientas ya instaladas de cara a poder utilizar mejor el tiempo del taller y no perder tiempo en instalación y configuración.


Preparando mi visita a la Universidad Piloto (Colombia)

La semana próxima (11 de Mayo) estaré de visita en la Universidad Piloto de Colombia (Girardot) para participar del V Foro Internacional en el contexto de la celebración de los 30 años del Programa de Ingeniería en Sistemas en la región.

Una de las actividades que realizaré durante mi visita será una Clínica de Programación Orientada a Objetos. Es la primera vez que voy a realizar esta actividad como tal. La misma reúne varias cuestiones que son parte del temario de las materias que suelo dictar y que estarán incluida en mi próximo libro sobre el tema.

Quiero agradecer especialmente a Elkin Forero y a Luis Carlos Garzón por la invitación
